Derja Graphics



Fi el Ɛada, ay code normal yetlansa Ɛal CPU (el dmegh principal mteƐ el PC).
El Shader houwa code yekhdem Ɛal GPU.
Binnesba lel specialité mteƐ l'GPU heya ano y'executi barcha des instructions fard dharba(Parallel-Computing).
Par contre el CPU y'executi des instructions complexes akthar w asƐab, ama limité fel nombre Ɛla khater fih aq̈al cores.

Win nestaƐmlou el shaders?

Generalement, el shaders mostaƐmlin win nest'ħaq̈ou n'processiw barcha des données(data) fard waq̈t.
- Computer Graphics (Games, Movies, etc.)
- Machine Learning
- Image Processing

Chnouma anweƐ el Shaders?

Fama barcha anweƐ mteƐ shaders, ħasb el istaƐmel.
- Pixel (wala Fragment) Shader: execution Ɛla kol pixela Ɛal écran.
- Vertex Shader: execution Ɛla kol point fi objet 3D.
- Compute Shader: yeħseb barcha data ħasb el besoin.

Kifech nprogrammiw el shaders? (+ simple examples)

Fama barcha methods.
Ach'har languages mteƐ shaders houma: GLSL w HLSL w mayebƐedch Ɛal C.
Innejmou nestaƐmlou site kima ShaderToy bech n'testiw el pixel/fragment shaders (eli y't'executew Ɛla kol pixela). Example:

fragColor = vec4(0.5, 0.1, 0.8, 0.0);

Enzel Ɛal taswira bech t'ħel ShaderToy w jarrab el code, baddél el couleur:

Kima tchouf, fel cas hedha, Ɛand'na code simple yħawel el pixelét mauve.
El execution bech tsir Ɛla kol pixela/fragment.
Deja kima tleħdhou, el color variable essemha fragColor(vec4: fiha 4 valeurat):
- R: Red (fel example hedha = 0.5 Ɛla 1.0)
- G: Green (fel example hedha = 0.1 Ɛla 1.0)
- B: Blue (fel example hedha = 0.8 Ɛla 1.0)
- A: Alpha (généralement lel transparency/opacity, ama moch mostaƐmla houni)
Ken nħottou el valeurat el kol 1.0; yjina loun abyadh.

Bech ennajmou nsawrou achkél(shapes), lezem nakhtarou el position.
Ɛanna el possibilité bech naƐrfou el position mteƐ kol pixela, b'esteƐmèl l'UVs, eli houma el coordonnées mteƐ el pixela fel écran.
Bech naƐrfou data Ɛal écran, yelzem nƐaddiw el data hedhi m'el CPU l'el GPU. El data hedhi essemha "uniform".
Aya data tetƐadda m'el CPU(RAM) l'el GPU(Video RAM) essemha "uniform".

vec2 normalizedCoord = fragCoord / iResolution.xy;
 fragColor = vec4(normalizedCoord, 0.0, 1.0);

Enzel w jarrab, ken t'ħeb

Fel cas hedha, naq̈smou el coordonnées mteƐ el pixels Ɛla l'resolution bech nchoufou valeur binét 0 w 1 (estaƐmelna iResolution, eli mawjouda par defaut fi ShaderToy).
Yomken leħedht elli el'type mteƐ el'fragCoord houwa vec2 (fih 2 valeurs khater el écran mteƐna 2D, donc pixelét Ɛla X w pixelét Ɛla Y).
Ki nwarriw el resultat, tchoufou les couleurs hedhouma.

Yq̈oul el q̈ayel, kifeh jew hal couleurèt?
El resultat hedha Ɛibara Ɛla 2 degradé(gradient) b couleurèt différents.
Houni, el couleurèt houma red w green, w yetq̈ablou fel coin ywalliw yellow.

// Red
float uvX = fragCoord.x / iResolution.x;
fragColor = vec4(uvX, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

Enzel w jarrab, ken t'ħeb

// Green
float uvY = fragCoord.y / iResolution.y;
fragColor = vec4(0.0, uvY, 0.0, 0.0);

Enzel w jarrab, ken t'ħeb

Puisque Ɛandna el position mteƐ kol pixela, ennajmou nsawrou el fourma eli nħebbou Ɛliha.
Par example, bech nsawrou circle, nestħaq̈ou nq̈arnou el distance ma bin el circle w position el pixela. Example:

vec2 normalizedCoord = fragCoord / iResolution.xy;
float circleMask = distance(normalizedCoord, vec2(0.5, 0.5));
fragColor = vec4(circleMask, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

Enzel w jarrab, ken t'ħeb

Voilà, nekhdhou el normalizedCoord w n'thabtou el distance mƐa l'centre vec2(0.5, 0.5).
Hakka ywalli Ɛandna gradient yebda m'el centre, samminéh circleMask, w ħattineh f'el fragColor (Red).

Taw nestaƐmlou step function bech ngeddou limite lel circle mteƐna. El gradient mayseƐednech houni, ma'najmouch nchoufou el chfar(edge) mteƐ el circle:

vec2 normalizedCoord = fragCoord / iResolution.xy;
 float circleMask = distance(normalizedCoord, vec2(0.5, 0.5));
 // Limite l'el circle (step function)
 circleMask = step(0.5, circleMask);

Enzel w jarrab baddel el step function arguments, ken t'ħeb tbaddel kobr el circle.


Kima rina l'example, uniforms houma variables/data nebƐthouhom m'el CPU l'el GPU, w bech nkoun précis, m'el RAM l'el VRAM(Video RAM).
L'implementation mtaƐ l'uniforms tetbaddel ħasb l'engine, shader language, tools, etc...
F'el cas mteƐna, nestaƐmlou ShaderToy bech netƐalmou el shaders. Ki tenzel Ɛla new f'el site, telq̈a "Shader Inputs":

	uniform vec3 		iResolution;           // viewport resolution (in pixels)
	uniform float		iTime;                 // shader playback time (in seconds)
	uniform float		iTimeDelta;            // render time (in seconds)
	uniform float    	iFrameRate;            // shader frame rate
	uniform int       	iFrame;                // shader playback frame
	uniform float     	iChannelTime[4];       // channel playback time (in seconds)
	uniform vec3      	iChannelResolution[4]; // channel resolution (in pixels)
	uniform vec4      	iMouse;                // mouse pixel coords. xy: current (if MLB down), zw: click
	uniform samplerXX 	iChannel0..3;          // input channel. XX = 2D/Cube
	uniform vec4      	iDate;                 // (year, month, day, time in seconds)
	uniform float     	iSampleRate;           // sound sample rate (i.e., 44100)

Hedhouma el variables el kol ennajmou nestaƐmlouhom f'el code mteƐna bech nbadlou el behavior mteƐ el shader. Fha'l example, q̈eƐid nħarrak f'el sphere b'el souris (nestaƐmel fi iMouse uniform). Enzel Ɛal taswira ken t'ħeb tjarrab el code (Tnajem tenzel w 'ħarrak el souris f'el ShaderToy).

Mafaméch ken iMouse, w iResolution. Famma zeda iTime bech nbadlou el shader bel waq̈t.


Taw jarrabna sawwarna sphere khaterha sehla: neħsbou el distance bin el position mteƐ el pixela w'el centre mteƐ el circle.
Bech ennajmou nsawrou fourmét okhrin, yelzemna netƐalmou techniquèt jdod.

Example, bech nsawrou rectangle, yelzem nsawrou 4 stoura. Donc, naƐmlou limite ħasb el UV(normalized coordinates).
Madém el value bin 0.0 w 1.0, nħottou el limite 0.2 par example Ɛal X w'el Y:

// NestaƐmlou "step(x,y)" bech naƐmlou limite m'el x = vec2(0.2, 0.2)
 vec2 borders = step(vec2(0.2), uv);
 // Nedherbouhom fi bƐadh'hom bech ywalliw black
 float boxMask = borders.x * borders.y;

Enzel w jarrab:

Kima tchouf houni, staƐmelna step(edge, x) l'el UV, eli heya el normalized coordinates.
Note: Barcha functionèt f'el GLSL Ɛand'hom barcha versionèt, kima:

float	step(float edge, float x);
 vec2	step(vec2 edge, vec2 x);
 vec3	step(vec3 edge, vec3 x);
 vec4	step(vec4 edge, vec4 x);

Hedha applicable l'aghlabiyét el functionèt el mawjoudin par default f'el GLSL w el HLSL.

Taw ken nħebbou nkamlou el rectangle, yelzem naƐmlou nafs el ħaja ama m'el jiha l'okhra.
Ennajmou neq̈lbou el usage mteƐ "step(x,y)" kima hak:

step(uv, vec2(0.8));

Fi Ɛoudh

step(vec2(0.2), uv);

W ki nedherbouhom fi bƐadh'hom yaƐtiwna el resultat hedha: (enzel w jarrab)

Ennajmou nestaƐmlou smoothstep(edge0, edge1, x) fi Ɛoudh step(edge, x) bech ywali Ɛandna gradient effect.

F'el coin louwel, naƐmlou gradient m'el 0.0 l'el 0.2:

smoothstep(vec2(0.0), vec2(0.2), uv);

F'el coin theni, naƐmlou gradient m'el 0.8 l'el 1.0:

smoothstep(vec2(0.8), vec2(1.0), uv);

Nedherbouhom fi bƐadh'om w voilà! (tnajjem tenzel w tjarrab el code)

Ennajmou n'controlliw el UV bech naƐmlou cool effects. Example: bech nbadlou kobr el box mteƐna, juste nedherbou el uv fi value (4.0 f'hal example).

uv = uv * 4.0;

Ken nħebbou nƐawdouh barcha marràt, nejmou nestaƐmlou fract(x). (enzel Ɛal taswira bech tchouf el code)

uv = fract(uv * 32.0);

fract(x) tƐawéd el UV kol marra youssel l'el value 1.0. Donc ki nedhrbou el UV fi value Ɛalya, yetƐawéd barcha marràt (32 marra f'el situation hedhi).

Fama mochkel sghir w howa eli mahomch squares(carrés), plutôt rectangle. Bech nsalħouha, yelzem nzidou max() l'el resolution bech neħsbou el UV b'el s'ħih magheir ma yhémna el display.
Donc el calcul mteƐ el UV ywalli hak:

vec2 uv = fragCoord / max(iResolution.x, iResolution.y);

Taw nħebbou nzidou circle f'el west donc l'étape loula, nħadhrou el uv l'el circle (bech ma yetjabbédch ħasb el écran zeda).

 // Puisque el ratio mech 1:1, lezem ntalƐouha
 vec2 ratio = vec2(1.0, iResolution.y / iResolution.x);
 vec2 center = ratio / vec2(2.0, 2.0);
 vec2 uv_center = uv - center;

Hakka ywalli Ɛandna normalized coordinates w mafihomch ħatta stretch. En plus, ħadharna el center UV, bech el sphere mteƐna tetsawwar f'el west.
L'étape el thénya, nzidou el circle mask w nzidouha l'el final color.

// Nħadhrou el circle
 float circleMask = length(uv_center);

 // ...

 // NestaƐmlou el uv_center l'el boxMask zeda
 vec2 uv_box = fract(uv_center * 32.0);

 // ...
 // Nħottou el boxMask f'el RED channel w'el circleMask f'el GREEN channel
 fragColor = vec4(boxMask, circleMask, 0.0, 0.0);

Enzel w jarrab el code!

ennajmou naƐmlou reptition l'el circles ken nestaƐmlou fract() kima el q̈bal.

float circleMask = fract(length(uv_center) * 4.0);

Taw ken nħebbou nħarkou el circles, juste nestaƐmlou "iTime" (que ce soit nzidouh wela ennaq̈souh, ça dépend m'el direction eli nħebbou Ɛliha).

float circleMask = fract(length(uv_center) * 4.0 - iTime);

Ennajmou zeda n'limitiw kobr el gradient b'smoothstep bin 0.5 w 1.0.

float circleMask = smoothstep(0.5, 1.0, fract(length(uv_center) * 4.0 - iTime));

Bien sûr, les possibilités mayouféwech. Ennajmou nestaƐmlou el circle mask bech nbadlou el UV mtaƐ el box mask, w yodh'hor k'el distortion.
Bech nestaƐmlou mix(value0, value1, alpha) eli heya taƐmlelna interpolation binét el value loula w thenya ħasb el alpha (circleMask, f'el cas hedha).

vec2 uv_box = fract(uv_center * mix(32.0, 38.0, circleMask));

Finalement, ngeddou chwaya les couleurs, w nsubstractiw el boxMask m'el circleMask bech yodh'hor wra el circle.

fragColor = vec4(boxMask, circleMask - boxMask, 0.0, 0.0);


Hedhiya el base mteƐ el pixel shaders.
Fama barcha methods w techniquèt okhrin netƐalmouhom mƐa bƐadhna f'el partiyét el jéyin.
Sinon, ken tħeb, aƐmel talla Ɛal site hedha: The Book of Shaders, fih barcha ħwéyij intéressante.

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